Fights? unfortunatley they are a part of middle school. In elementary school physical fights rarely happened if they even happened at all. The only fights you had back then were fights about who's best friend was who's and who got on the swings first. But now they are about more serious issues. Lets discuss shall we.
What do you do when you witness a fight? when you see a fight happening more than likely everyone in the school is running to it. If you see a fight you might be called into the princapal's office because you saw what happened without being biased. But you won't get in trouble best thing you can do is make sure you don't get involved and get yourself in trouble. But also don't be that kid that rats out the fight they're interesting to watch so don't ruin the fun.
What if someone wants to fight me? If someone wants to fight you, you should at least fight outside of school. And if you don't want to fight then you don't have to don't give into peer pressure. But if you really have to at least do it out of school so nothing will go on your record. You can easily walk away or just tell them off without using fists. It's way better that way anyway.
What happens after you get in a fight? If you do get into a fight you will be taken straight to the principal's office discipline office etc. Then you will write a student side and they willl call in witnesses. It's kinda similar to court if you think about it. Then you will usually end up with 3 or 4 days in school or out of school depending on the severity of the fight.